Registration & User Account FAQ
Need help with your user account?

Below, you’ll find answers to our most frequently asked questions about COCA user accounts. If you don’t see what you’re looking for or need further assistance, reach out to our Registration Team at or 314.561.4898.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I create an account?
If you are an existing COCA student/family, you do not need to create an account. You should have received an email with instructions for how to login to your account. If you receive an error message at login, follow the prompts for “forgot password.”
If you are a new patron, you will need to create an account by clicking “Sign Up Now” at the bottom of the login page.
What is my username and password?
If you are an existing COCA student/family, you have an existing account. Your username should be your first and last name with the space between the names removed. If you have never logged in before, the password is the same as the username.
If you are a new patron, you will need to create an account by clicking “Sign Up Now” at the bottom of the login page and set your username and password.
How do I login to my account? I followed the password reset instructions, but it’s still not working.
This could be for a variety of reasons, but our Registration Team can help you get it set up on our end by manually sending a new invite email. Contact Registration at or 314.561.4898. When you receive your password reset email from our team, click on the link that says, “Finish setting up your account.” You will be directed to a webpage to update all your login information and be able to successfully finish setting up your account from there.
I can’t put items in my cart. It’s giving me an error about the Annual Registration Fee. I thought I already paid that.
In the past, our registration fee was added automatically to your cart when the system read it was going to expire soon. Our new system requires you to add it manually. You would receive this message if the student you are trying to register has an Annual Registration fee that is going to expire before the last day of classes of the semester or doesn’t have a registration fee on file. This fee is per child per family and is different from a COCA membership, which is an optional additional fee that has various perks for your COCA experience.
You should be able to add the Annual Registration Fee to your cart.
You DO NOT need to pay for the registration fee before you pay for classes. As long as the fee is in your cart as you are shopping, the system will read that you’re going to pay for it and allow you to add classes to your cart for that semester.
I had credit on the old system. Is that on the new system?
Yes! You should be able to apply credit from the old system onto purchases on our new system. If it’s not showing up, contact the Registration Office at or 314.561.4898, and we can troubleshoot.
I receive Sliding Scale Tuition, but I didn’t get a code for registration. Is there a code?
COCA’s new system has eliminated the need for sliding scale tuition coupon codes! Your sliding scale fee should automatically apply to your online registration. If you’re having issues with this, please contact the Registration Office at or 314.561.4898, and we can troubleshoot.
How do I enroll in text message alerts?
COCA now offers text message alerts! Subscribe to receive COCA text message alerts for your classes, camps, and productions.
To subscribe to text messages, you must have a cell phone number saved to your household account and choose to opt-in. Message and data rates may apply.
Steps to Enroll in SMS Messaging
Step 1: Login to your Online Account
Step 2: Confirm you have a cell phone number saved to your household account
- In the top dark blue navigation bar, click the drop down with your account name and household number
- Under “My Account,” select “Household Account Management”
- Select “Household and Member Update” button
- Add your cell phone number to the “Phone #1” field
- Choose “Cell Phone” for “Phone #1 Type”
- Scroll to the bottom and “Save” your changes. You may be prompted to complete human verification.
Step 3: Choose to opt-in for text message alerts
- In the top dark blue navigation bar, click the drop down with your account name and household number
- Under “Update,” select “SMS Update”
- Update the drop down for your SMS Texting Status to “Opted In”
- “Submit”
- Once submission is complete, you will receive a message confirming SMS information has been successfully updated
How do I add Emergency Contacts to my account?
To provide authorization for individuals (other than parents/guardians) to pick up your child from class or camp at COCA, the individuals must be listed in your account as emergency contacts.
Steps to Add Emergency Contacts/Individuals Authorized for Pick-up
Step 1: Login to your Online Account
Step 2: Add individuals as emergency contacts in your household account
- In the top dark blue navigation bar, click the drop down with your account name and household number
- Under “My Account,” select “Household Account Management
- Select “Household and Member Update” button
- In the “Emergency Contacts” section, select the “Add New Contact” button and complete the required contact information. Repeat this process for any additional emergency contacts authorized for pick-up.
- “Save” your changes.
If you need to remove an emergency contact, please contact the Registration Office at