Student Companies & Placements

Pre-Professional Division students in the Dance Program may be placed in one of COCA’s dance companies—Ballet Eclectica and COCAdance. Students may audition and be accepted in up to two companies.

Ballet Eclectica
Classical & Contemporary Ballet
Ballet Eclectica pulls from the best of classical and contemporary ballet to build a repertoire fit for our most talented ballet students. Members are selected based on their ability to demonstrate clean classical technique and strong pointe work. Students have the rewarding experience of working in a wide variety of both classical and contemporary styles due to COCA’s commitment to arranging annual residencies with multiple visiting artists. These select guest choreographers are notable dance practitioners and offer their expertise providing our students with a learning experience that mirrors the nature of a professional dance company setting.
Ballet Eclectica is a member of RDA/MidStates, one of five Regional Associations of RDA in the Central United States. RDA/MidStates recognizes, appraises, and promotes the work of members and encourages the growth of high-quality dance education, performance, and administration in our area and around the country.
Requirements: Selected students will receive an individualized schedule generated by the Artistic Team at the time of acceptance that will include a minimum of 7 classes per week as well as 2 student company rehearsal days per week. See company acceptance letter for anticipated schedule.
Annual Company Dues:
First/Apprentice Company | $475
Second Company | $275
Artistic Director: Antonio Douthit-Boyd
Rehearsal Assistant: Ashley Hamann
Ballet Eclectica Second Company Rehearsal Assistants: Carrie Fernandez & Carly Vanderheyden

Modern & Contemporary Dance
COCAdance is an advanced student dance company comprised of COCA’s most versatile young artists. Members of COCAdance are selected based upon their technical proficiency across genres and an eagerness to engage in the creative process. Students have the rewarding experience of working in a wide variety of styles due to COCA’s commitment to arranging annual residencies with multiple visiting artists. These select guest choreographers are notable dance practitioners and offer their expertise providing our students with a learning experience that mirrors the nature of a professional dance company setting.
Requirements: Selected students will receive an individualized schedule generated by the Artistic Team at the time of acceptance that will include a minimum of 8 classes per week as well as 2 student company rehearsal days per week. See company acceptance letter for anticipated schedule.
Annual Company Dues:
First/Apprentice Company | $475
Second Company | $275
Senior Company | $175
Artistic Director: Kirven Douthit-Boyd
Rehearsal Assistants: Gabby Billy, Sam Gaitsch, & Mariko Kumanomido

COCA Hip-Hop Crew
Hip-Hop & Commercial Dance
COCA Hip-Hop Crew is on a temporary hiatus. COCA’s hip-hop programming will continue as normal, including classes, camps, and continued work with renowned choreographers in the field. For students, ages 10–18, interested in hip-hop and performance opportunities, audition for COCA’s Pre-Professional Division company, COCAdance.